Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Williams Camping Trip

So over Labor Day weekend we went camping with the Cooley's. It was fun to be with family especially because we don't get to see some of Jeremy's siblings as often as we would like. We rode the quads, which Ryan was not very fond of, ate lots of yummy food and took in some beautiful scenery. It rained every day which was actually kind of nice but unfortunately it brought out the Mosquitos! I think I made it out of there with only 30 or so bites but Jeremy did not fare as well. His whole leg is covered and I mean covered in bites. Other than that it was a good time. I've decided that I'm slightly a control freak. I should have known that Ryan was going to get dirty being in the mountains and all but I was surprised at how dirty she got. After the 3rd time of her throwing dirt in her hair and about the 20th time washing her hands because they were covered in mud or dirt I decided to just let it go. Anyway, dirt and all we had great time and sorry there aren't more pictures but of course my camera ran out of batteries the first day!
This is my brother Shaun and his wife Carilynn and their son Jackson. They just found out that they are expecting their second child around April. I'm so excited for them.

This picture sums up the quad rides! I think they thought we were going to take them on a ride but we were just trying to take their picture. From left to right it's Jeremy's brother Rex's little boy Isaac, Jackson and Ryan. Like I said before I wish I could have taken more pictures but my camera died.


KolbyJanine said...

o my gosh congratulations shaun and carilynn, thats great. their little guy is so cute! Looks like you guys had a great time. we should get together sometime since you live here now! we can let the kiddies play!

Cairen said...

We love camping, but the mosquitos would make it a little harder to enjoy. I love the screaming baby picture... so funny! Like you were torturing them. We need to get together this week.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! This second picture is hilarious! Those kids are so adorable!

Walker Family said...

She is definitely not fond of the quads!! She is adorable though! :)

Andrew and Sara said...

I know how you feel with the dirt. I can't keep Presten out of the dirt even when we are not camping. I hate when his Hands or Face are dirty, I am constantly wiping them.

Hibbard Family said...

Kaden loves dirt, too. He sees a tractor and starts talking about dirt again... He doesn't put it on himself as much as throwing it on the kids he is playing with :) Glad you had a fun weekend!

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